Tuesday, May 23, 2006

You ride me like patriarchy (on Zuma) by Amy Shelver

You ride me like patriarchy
And I moan, I moan, I moan.
I am a thousand women
Bound to the leather of your couch
Thrust in-between this and the next
Playing second fiddle to the pouch,
Oh, oh, oh, ouch.
Put it there again.
You know I like it, fuck yes
Fuck no, it’s coz I got no where to go.
At pleasures moments notice
You’re up and leaving, I’m just arriving.
It’s rude, but not as rude as this.
My voice is drown out by
The shudder swimming down your spine
And I’m gagged, this time, and the next,
Fuck yes.
You know the score coz that’s all I am.
I’m left dripping you…
A secret combination for an every-lock
The chicken comes home to roost.
And a thousand women just like me
Flash through my mind,
Row upon row, the gag-rag
Reflecting the carriage of patriarchy
Can’t you see?
Riding from up there,
Stampeding through the ripening crop
How you ride my womanhood
The crusader, SS, militia, the cop
The daunting everyman should.
It’s still the same love and patriarchy
It’s still the same you and me.
I moan, I moan, I moan.
Rape is different when it’s everyday.
In every place and every way.
And we are tired, and fired.
These gags and the gag is on you.

Monday, May 22, 2006

putting my money where my mouth is

Okay, having started this damn blog, I'm now really panicky about actually putting any of my writing up here. But I want this to start moving, and cant be hypocritical, so I'm going to put up a poem that i wrote last week in a particularly lonely mood. I dont know hoe crap it is. And I have never shared my poetry with anyone before, while i welcome comments - please be gentle.


This sky is not mine, I dont know these clouds.
These austere trees are strangers to me, and will not deign to look down on me.
Nor do I know the birds that sing unfamiliar songs from their branches.

Where is the pata pata click-song rhythm of my home?

My home is broken and beautiful, limping but free.
It is scolded and embraced by a harsh mama-sun,
Old and dry as unearthed bone,
New and fresh as the unfurling bud,
Crawling, but free.


thoughts on poets and poetry

My good friend Golda sent this to me in response to my invitation to join this blog-group. I think she explains very well why the idea of this group appeals to me, and you.
i have been reading poems and all the while i have wondered to myself where the genius springs from?

is there some fountain that i know nothing about? is there some magic collection of words that make music jump from a page with its own rhythm and reason for being...i want in on that world please...

these are not the pleas of a crazy woman, but rather an ardent request to be let into the club of poets who write with such conviction every feeling i have ever felt in my short life so far...shakespeare, cummings, jonker...and there are so many more, but i thank you for writing so that i can truly know how it is that i feel inside...poets have helped me to describe the massive expanse that is my soul and every day i find a new way to tell the world that i exist and that i matter, because i read one more poem which shows me...

Monday, May 15, 2006

I want to start writing again. Not the journalistic writing I spent my degree doing, or even the essay format stuff, but real good-for-nothing-else creative writing.

I just realised I havent written anything just for me since first year. Iused to spew out poetry and short stories all the time in high school. None of it was any good but I enjoyed it. I loved writing, and I want to again...

So that's the basic starting point of this new blog. I'll be posting on here (mostly nonsense phrases), but I want you to too. Anything goes. Poetry, short stories, individual or groups of cool words, or plain old rants if the mood takes you. If you want, I can make you a member of this blog and you can post on here, or just add something to the comments. I've also opened a new google mail account for this purpose (katiepossum@googlemail.com), so mail me stuff with your name (screen id or real name) and i'll post it or email me if you want to become a member.

now, start writing!